mercury built up from dental fillings

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“Silver fillings,” which have traditionally been used for dental fillings contain mercury. Recently, it has been discovered that 51% of these silver fillings leach mercury into the mouth continuously. It is estimated by the FDA that at least 1 to 3 micrograms of elemental mercury seeps out of the fillings each day. Though there are other forms of dental fillings, such as resin composites and porcelain, these are not often favored by dentists and patients because they are more expensive and do not last as long as metal fillings.

The health effects of mercury leaching fillings are not completely known. However, it is well established that mercury does not have a natural way to leave the body. It builds up in cells, disrupting their functions. Eventually, molecules break down, which may lead to illness and organ failure. As people become more and more conscious of the toxic nature of silver fillings, many are choosing to have them taken out and replaced with safer alternatives. Extracting silver fillings can sometimes cause extreme amounts of mercury vapor to be released, allowing more harmful exposure to mercury— more so than if the fillings had never been removed.

If you are planning on getting your silver fillings removed, make sure you see a dentist who knows the correct procedures to extract them. Please research these procedures first, and then question your dentist to make sure he adheres to the necessary protocol.

Once you’ve made the decision to have your silver fillings removed, please use a zeolite health supplement before and after the removal. And even if you are not planning on having them removed, you should still take a daily dose of zeolite to combat the 1-3 micrograms of mercury that leaches each day. Zeolite is a natural mineral proven to take harmful metals out of the body. The zeolite will not pull mercury out of your fillings; it will only pull leached mercury out of your body’s cells. Taking zeolite daily is proven to detox your body of any built up mercury, or any new mercury that might accumulate.

ZEO Health is the original zeolite health company, and offers only the purest and most potent zeolite in all of their products. For discounts on buying larger quantities, please visit Regal Supplements sells all of ZEO Health’s products, and other health supplements focused on individual needs.

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