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Zeolite AVZeolite-AV by ZEO Health is a great way to strengthen the immune system. Zeolite-AV is a natural dietary supplement that only contains two ingredients— zeolite and humic acid.  Although the ingredients many seem very simple, the purity of the zeolite and the concentrated blend of the humic acid make Zeolite-AV a very potent supplement. Below I have list the health benefits of each ingredient, and how they help to fortify the immune system.


  1. Detoxifies the Body of Heavy Metals, Pesticides, and Other Toxins. The immune system often spends an immense amount of time and energy fighting these toxins and eventually weakens. When the toxins are removed, the immune system is allowed to recover and gain back strength.
  2. Helps to Balance pH. The body becomes acidic from toxic materials found in food, water, and air. When the body becomes acidic, bacteria, viruses, and fungi grow out of control. The immune system becomes strained by working to eliminate these foreign bodies. Once the zeolite pulls the toxins out of the body, a large burden off the immune system because pH levels become balanced, preventing bacteria, viruses, and fungi to grow.

Humic Acid:

  1. Rich in Nutrients.  Humic Acid is an organic substance that is naturally found in soil and in our food supply. It is immensely rich in nutrients. Due to over farming in recent decades, humic acid has largely been depleted from our food supply, so we are not getting the amount of nutrients that we should be getting. The humic acid in Zeolite-AV provides necessary nutrients that are missing from our diet, which help to optimize cellular functions and keep our bodies strong.
  2. Effective in Fighting Viruses. Humic acid has the ability to help the immune system defeat viruses by coating them. As the humic acid travels through the body, it wraps around fully grown viruses, preventing them from further replicating in health cells. The immune system then recognizes the coated viruses as something foreign to the body, and will then attack and eliminate them from the body. The concentrated form of humic acid in Zeolite-AV is so potent that it is actually used as a flu medication in Mexico.

Taking Zeolite-AV

Zeolite-AV can be taken every day as a preventative against sickness or to keep chronic viruses, such as herpes, hepatitis, and human papilloma (HPV), under control. Take at least 2 capsules twice a day, for as long you may need.  For a short term viral infection, such as influenza (the flu), shingles, or the common cold, take 4 capsules three times a day for the duration of your sickness. You can then go back to the maintenance dose of 2 capsules twice a day. Zeolite-AV is sold 90 capsules to a bottle.  At four capsules a day, the bottle will last about 22 days.

To purchase Zeolite AV, please visit Regal Supplements is a distributor of health supplements, and offers volume discounts, meaning the more bottle you purchase, the cheaper it is.


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A balanced pH level is essential for the optimal functioning of your body. Your pH level is considered balanced and healthy when it falls between 7.35 and 7.45 on the pH scale.  When your pH falls below 7.35 it is considered acidic. It is within this acidic pH range that bacteria and viruses grow out of control, the immune system becomes weakened, and the body will begin to breakdown.  The health supplement zeolite restores pH balance, so you can continue to live a healthy life.

What Throws of pH Balance?

There are many factors that contribute to unbalancing pH levels in your body. A portion of it has to do with the foods we eat and drink. Much of what we eat is acidic. Often, foods can be naturally acidic, such as lemons, vinegar, apples, and tomatoes.  Other foods become acidic, or more acidic, due to food processing, like canning, freezing, and frying.

But mostly, our bodies become acidic from the toxic materials we are exposed to on a daily basis. Toxins, especially heavy metals and pesticides, are in our air, food, and water.  You can try to weed some of them out through air purifiers, organic foods, and filtered water, but exposure to toxins is still inevitable. As more toxic materials accumulate in the body, the more acidic your body becomes.

The Dangers of an Acidic pH

If your body’s pH turns acidic (falls below 7.35) then your body will enter an unhealthy, sick state. Viruses and bacteria will begin to prosper. Your immune system will have to work extremely hard to try to get rid of the toxic materials that have built up inside your cells, on top of the viruses and bacteria that are now taking over the body. The immune system will eventually become so weakened that disease will begin to grow unchecked.

How Zeolite Restores pH

Zeolite is a natural detoxifier. It is able to pull positively charged toxins, such as heavy metals and pesticides, out of the body’s cells and into its chambers. About 6 to 8 hours after being ingested, the zeolite and any toxic materials it picked up, will be excreted from the body. After these toxins have been pulled out, the body’s pH levels will naturally return to the balanced levels of 7.35 to 7.45. In effect, bacteria and viruses will not be able to flourish in this balanced pH environment. Then, the immune system will begin to gain strength because it will not have to needlessly fight off thriving viruses and bacteria. All of this by just taking a daily zeolite health supplement!

Best Zeolite Health Supplement

The best zeolite health supplements are made by a company called ZEO Health. This company makes the purest, most potent zeolite health supplements. (I know because I have personally compared them to many other popular brands!) They are the original manufacturers of zeolite health supplements and for the past 15 years have had the best reputation of any zeolite health supplement company around.  Try their product called Zeolite Pure. It is 400 grams (about 90 servings) of the purest, most potent micronized powdered zeolite on the market. It is the most economical choice for a simple daily detox.


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Zeolite is an amazing mineral with the power to pull built up toxic materials out of the body.  Zeolite is natural, and is formed from volcanic ash and alkaline (salt) waters. It takes millions of years to create this perfect detoxifying mineral.

The Structure of Zeolite

Zeolite is very porous. About 51% of it is hollow. These cavities are negatively charged. (Zeolite is one of only two known negatively charged minerals! ) Surrounding these pores is a very strong, cage-like structure, which cannot be broken down, and protects the cavities and anything they may contain.

Zeolite the Detoxifier

Most toxins that build up inside of us are positively charged. Some of these toxins include heavy metals, such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and aluminum.  Other toxic substances that become trapped inside our cells and tissues include insecticides, herbicides, formaldehyde, and even radioactive materials, such as uranium. These chemicals and metals destroy our bodies’ cells and tissues, and create sickness and diseases like chronic headaches, depression, diarrhea, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Zeolite is able to pull these toxic materials out of the body’s cells and tissues based on charge. The negatively charged zeolite moves to the walls of cells that contain positively charged toxic materials. The zeolite pulls these toxins out through the cell membrane, and sucks it up into its cavities and bonds with the zeolite. Once inside, this bond is never broken because it is protected by the strong cage structure of the zeolite.  Six to eight hours after being ingested, the zeolite, along with any toxic materials it picked up, is excreted out of the body through feces and urine.

Importance of Detoxifying

Detoxing daily is important because we are exposed to toxic materials every single day through food, air, and water. Everyone on Earth has toxins in them, no matter who you are, what you eat and drink, or where you live. These toxins become stuck in your cells, causing them to interfere with cell and organ functions. Eventually, this can lead to crippling diseases and conditions. If detoxing is done daily, then toxins that have built up over time or that have been recently consumed will be immediately taken out of the body before any damage can be done.

Safe to Consume Zeolite

There are over 40 types of natural formations of zeolite, and dozens of synthetic types of zeolite. From this vast amount of zeolite, only one is safe to ingest- clinoptilolite. Make sure that any zeolite health supplement you purchase contains pure clinoptilolite. For the most potent and effective clinoptiliote- zeolite health supplements visit ZEO Health is the original manufacturers of zeolite health supplements for over 15 years, and, compared to all other zeolite supplement companies, they sell by far the purest micronized zeolite health supplements.

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