heavy metal detoxifier

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Zeolite AVZeolite-AV by ZEO Health is a great way to strengthen the immune system. Zeolite-AV is a natural dietary supplement that only contains two ingredients— zeolite and humic acid.  Although the ingredients many seem very simple, the purity of the zeolite and the concentrated blend of the humic acid make Zeolite-AV a very potent supplement. Below I have list the health benefits of each ingredient, and how they help to fortify the immune system.


  1. Detoxifies the Body of Heavy Metals, Pesticides, and Other Toxins. The immune system often spends an immense amount of time and energy fighting these toxins and eventually weakens. When the toxins are removed, the immune system is allowed to recover and gain back strength.
  2. Helps to Balance pH. The body becomes acidic from toxic materials found in food, water, and air. When the body becomes acidic, bacteria, viruses, and fungi grow out of control. The immune system becomes strained by working to eliminate these foreign bodies. Once the zeolite pulls the toxins out of the body, a large burden off the immune system because pH levels become balanced, preventing bacteria, viruses, and fungi to grow.

Humic Acid:

  1. Rich in Nutrients.  Humic Acid is an organic substance that is naturally found in soil and in our food supply. It is immensely rich in nutrients. Due to over farming in recent decades, humic acid has largely been depleted from our food supply, so we are not getting the amount of nutrients that we should be getting. The humic acid in Zeolite-AV provides necessary nutrients that are missing from our diet, which help to optimize cellular functions and keep our bodies strong.
  2. Effective in Fighting Viruses. Humic acid has the ability to help the immune system defeat viruses by coating them. As the humic acid travels through the body, it wraps around fully grown viruses, preventing them from further replicating in health cells. The immune system then recognizes the coated viruses as something foreign to the body, and will then attack and eliminate them from the body. The concentrated form of humic acid in Zeolite-AV is so potent that it is actually used as a flu medication in Mexico.

Taking Zeolite-AV

Zeolite-AV can be taken every day as a preventative against sickness or to keep chronic viruses, such as herpes, hepatitis, and human papilloma (HPV), under control. Take at least 2 capsules twice a day, for as long you may need.  For a short term viral infection, such as influenza (the flu), shingles, or the common cold, take 4 capsules three times a day for the duration of your sickness. You can then go back to the maintenance dose of 2 capsules twice a day. Zeolite-AV is sold 90 capsules to a bottle.  At four capsules a day, the bottle will last about 22 days.

To purchase Zeolite AV, please visit regalsupplements.com. Regal Supplements is a distributor of health supplements, and offers volume discounts, meaning the more bottle you purchase, the cheaper it is.


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