feeling thirsty frm zeolite

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In general, there are severe side effects from taking a zeolite health supplement. Many people are afraid that zeolite, since it’s a detoxifier, will make them sick and cause a healing crisis. This does not happen with zeolite! The worst effects of zeolite are that it can be dehydrating and constipating.


The dehydrating effects are minimal. Zeolite is very absorbent and can suck up extra water in the body. The amount of water that can be absorbed with each dose of zeolite is not significant and cannot dehydrate you to the point of any danger. You could take multiple servings of zeolite within a day, and it still will not dehydrate you to the point of doing any damage.  If you feel thirsty and dehydrated after taking a zeolite supplement, just drink some extra water.


Often, zeolite absorbs extra water from the intestinal area. If this happens in someone who is prone to have constipation issues, the zeolite might add to this. If you are prone to constipation, and/or have experienced constipation when while taking zeolite, lower your dosage significantly, and slowly increase it over time to find the right amount that will not cause constipation.

Zeolite Can Be Taken For a Long Period of Time

Since zeolite has no adverse effects, it can be taken for very long periods of time. ZEO Health suggests that a zeolite health supplement be used for at LEAST 90 days in order to detox, but does not suggest you stop the detoxing process here. After 90 days, a lower dose can be taken in order to maintain your detox, and to prevent any new toxins that you are exposed to from building up inside your body. Micah Portney, the owner of ZEO Health has been taken his product Esdifan every single day for the past 15 years. He reports himself to be healthy and never having any reaction from taking zeolite on such a long term basis

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