therapeutic zeolite

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Zeolite AVZeolite-AV by ZEO Health is a great way to strengthen the immune system. Zeolite-AV is a natural dietary supplement that only contains two ingredients— zeolite and humic acid.  Although the ingredients many seem very simple, the purity of the zeolite and the concentrated blend of the humic acid make Zeolite-AV a very potent supplement. Below I have list the health benefits of each ingredient, and how they help to fortify the immune system.


  1. Detoxifies the Body of Heavy Metals, Pesticides, and Other Toxins. The immune system often spends an immense amount of time and energy fighting these toxins and eventually weakens. When the toxins are removed, the immune system is allowed to recover and gain back strength.
  2. Helps to Balance pH. The body becomes acidic from toxic materials found in food, water, and air. When the body becomes acidic, bacteria, viruses, and fungi grow out of control. The immune system becomes strained by working to eliminate these foreign bodies. Once the zeolite pulls the toxins out of the body, a large burden off the immune system because pH levels become balanced, preventing bacteria, viruses, and fungi to grow.

Humic Acid:

  1. Rich in Nutrients.  Humic Acid is an organic substance that is naturally found in soil and in our food supply. It is immensely rich in nutrients. Due to over farming in recent decades, humic acid has largely been depleted from our food supply, so we are not getting the amount of nutrients that we should be getting. The humic acid in Zeolite-AV provides necessary nutrients that are missing from our diet, which help to optimize cellular functions and keep our bodies strong.
  2. Effective in Fighting Viruses. Humic acid has the ability to help the immune system defeat viruses by coating them. As the humic acid travels through the body, it wraps around fully grown viruses, preventing them from further replicating in health cells. The immune system then recognizes the coated viruses as something foreign to the body, and will then attack and eliminate them from the body. The concentrated form of humic acid in Zeolite-AV is so potent that it is actually used as a flu medication in Mexico.

Taking Zeolite-AV

Zeolite-AV can be taken every day as a preventative against sickness or to keep chronic viruses, such as herpes, hepatitis, and human papilloma (HPV), under control. Take at least 2 capsules twice a day, for as long you may need.  For a short term viral infection, such as influenza (the flu), shingles, or the common cold, take 4 capsules three times a day for the duration of your sickness. You can then go back to the maintenance dose of 2 capsules twice a day. Zeolite-AV is sold 90 capsules to a bottle.  At four capsules a day, the bottle will last about 22 days.

To purchase Zeolite AV, please visit Regal Supplements is a distributor of health supplements, and offers volume discounts, meaning the more bottle you purchase, the cheaper it is.


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In general, there are severe side effects from taking a zeolite health supplement. Many people are afraid that zeolite, since it’s a detoxifier, will make them sick and cause a healing crisis. This does not happen with zeolite! The worst effects of zeolite are that it can be dehydrating and constipating.


The dehydrating effects are minimal. Zeolite is very absorbent and can suck up extra water in the body. The amount of water that can be absorbed with each dose of zeolite is not significant and cannot dehydrate you to the point of any danger. You could take multiple servings of zeolite within a day, and it still will not dehydrate you to the point of doing any damage.  If you feel thirsty and dehydrated after taking a zeolite supplement, just drink some extra water.


Often, zeolite absorbs extra water from the intestinal area. If this happens in someone who is prone to have constipation issues, the zeolite might add to this. If you are prone to constipation, and/or have experienced constipation when while taking zeolite, lower your dosage significantly, and slowly increase it over time to find the right amount that will not cause constipation.

Zeolite Can Be Taken For a Long Period of Time

Since zeolite has no adverse effects, it can be taken for very long periods of time. ZEO Health suggests that a zeolite health supplement be used for at LEAST 90 days in order to detox, but does not suggest you stop the detoxing process here. After 90 days, a lower dose can be taken in order to maintain your detox, and to prevent any new toxins that you are exposed to from building up inside your body. Micah Portney, the owner of ZEO Health has been taken his product Esdifan every single day for the past 15 years. He reports himself to be healthy and never having any reaction from taking zeolite on such a long term basis

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MISCONCEPTION #1: Liquid zeolite is more powerful and is absorbed faster into the body.

Liquid zeolite has been portrayed for the past decade as a faster, more efficient way to detox because it can supposedly be absorbed by the body faster than powder and capsule (filled with powder) products. The funny thing is that liquid zeolite is nothing more than powdered zeolite suspended in a liquid solution. So whether you are taking a powder, capsule, or liquid product, the absorption rate is exactly the same!  The concept of liquid zeolite being able to be absorbed more quickly by the body was created by MLM (multi-level marketing) companies that needed a strong reason for customers to choose their overpriced product over competitors. Thousands of people fell for it!Pure Powdered Clinoptilolite

MISCONCEPTION #2: Only liquid can cross the blood-brain barrier.

This is another lie perpetuated by MLM companies. As stated above, liquid zeolite is nothing more than zeolite powder in a liquid.  Liquid zeolite has the same exact capabilities as powdered zeolite providing it is the right sized particle. Zeolite can cross the blood-brain barrier only if it’s micronized.  If powdered micronized zeolite is in liquid zeolite, then it can pass through the blood-brain barrier.  The biggest difference between powdered, micronized zeolite and liquid zeolite with micronized zeolite in it, is that you get way more zeolite for your money using a powdered product.

MISCONCEPTION #3: Multiple zeolites are better for detoxing.

Once again, this is another concept thought up by marketers who were trying to get an edge over the competition. There are almost 150 types of zeolite, but only two are known to be non-toxic to the human body—clinoptilolite and mordenite. Of these two, clinoptilolite is the only zeolite that is known to be safe to ingest. Mordenite has a jagged crystalline structure, which could be possibly damaging to the lining of the digestive system. Mordenite should NOT be used in any zeolite health supplements. Chabazite is another type of zeolite that is found in products containing multiple zeolites. Chabazite has never been tested as a dietary supplement and is know to be toxic to humans!  The only type of zeolite that should be put in your body is clinoptilolite. Please make sure that the zeolite supplement you are taking only contains pure clinoptilolite.

MISCONCEPTION #4: Nano, activated, and cellular zeolites are more effective at detoxing.

These are more false claims created by markets to try to convince customers that they have a superior product over their competitors. Nano and cellular zeolite is supposedly is so small that it can attract tiny toxic particles that other zeolite health supplements cannot. But there is no such thing! Zeolite cannot be broken down to a nano size. If it was, it would no longer be zeolite, but just a tiny piece of what made up the zeolite. It would not be able to detox, and could possibly be dangerous to the body because it is no longer zeolite! But don’t worry about these products being dangerous! They are liquid zeolite product— nothing more than powdered zeolite in water, and pose no threat. You will just be getting very tiny amounts of zeolite per dose.

Activated zeolite is a phrase used to make you think some kind of special process was used to make the zeolite more potent and better at detoxifying. The phrase makes you think of activated carbon, which is carbon that was put through a special process in order to make it more porous. The more porous the carbon, the more surface area it has for filtering out toxic materials. The process that makes activated carbon is not used on zeolite. Zeolite is naturally porous, and is never made more porous through any method. Activated zeolite is just another marketing ploy by supplement companies to make you think their zeolite is more effective than others.

MISCONCEPTION #5: All clinoptilolite is all the same.

This statement cannot be further from the truth. Zeolite, or clinoptilolite, is mined from the ground. The purity levels of zeolite vary depending on what is in the ground with the zeolite. For instance, if there is a great amount of lead, arsenic, and uranium in the ground near the zeolite deposit, then the zeolite’s cage will be filled with these contaminants.  In order to find a pure, uncontaminated zeolite deposit, you need to find a place that is void of dangerous metals and toxins in the ground. The most contaminated heavy metal rich lands are found in North America and Asia. Much of the clinoptilolite from these continents only has a purity rate around 40% to 70%. That means that 30% to 60% of the zeolite cage is loaded with contaminants and heavy metals! Double check the zeolite product you are taking, or plan on taking, to make sure that the zeolite does not originate from North America or Asia. If you have to call the company to find out this information, then do so!

Purity and potency are clearly linked. In order to have a potent zeolite product, the cage needs to be empty of any contaminates. ZEO Health is known in the health supplements industry as the company that uses the purest zeolite possible. Their purity level is around 97%. The purity levels of all other zeolite supplements do not even come close to that of ZEO Health’s zeolite.

MISCONCEPTION #6: Zeolite kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

Zeolite does none of this. Zeolite can only detoxify the body of heavy metals and toxins, such as pesticides. It cannot destroy or remove viruses, bacteria, or parasites from the body.  The most it can do to guard against all of these different invaders is help to balance the body’s pH and remove pre-viral components from cells so viruses can never form.

ZEO Health makes a product called Zeolite-AV. It contains zeolite and humic acid. The zeolite will detox the body and balance its pH, while the humic acid will coat any fully grown viruses, preventing them from further replicating in healthy cells. It is ideal for anyone suffering from a sickness, especially viral related sickness, to help ward off any further attacks.

MISCONCEPTION #7: Zeolite will cause a healing crisis.

Most other detoxifiers will break down (metabolize) during digestion. The bond between the toxins and the detoxifier will be broken, ultimately reintroducing the toxins into the body at a faster rate than before. This is called a healing crisis.  There is no sick feeling, or healing crisis, when detoxing with zeolite. This is because unlike other detoxifiers, zeolite traps the toxins within its cavities, which are protected by a very strong structure. Zeolite does not break down in the body and the toxins are always protected within the zeolite.  There is never any sick feeling because the toxic materials are not being re-exposed to the body. Eventually, the zeolite (with all the trapped toxins) exits the body.

MISCONCEPTION #8: Zeolite health supplements are synthetic.

Clinoptilolite- zeolite, the only type of zeolite that should ever be used in health supplements is natural and not synthetic. Clinoptilolite takes millions of years to form and is mined from the Earth.  Synthetic zeolites have never been tested on humans and should not be used in health supplements.

MISCONCEPTION #9: Zeolite cannot be taken with food and water.

Zeolite does not interfere with digestion. So eat and drink as much as you want!  Since it doesn’t metabolize in the body it doesn’t matter what is in your stomach before or after you take it.

MISCONCEPTION #10: Zeolite cannot be taken on an empty stomach.

Not true at all! Zeolite is an alkaline mineral, like calcium. Taking a dose of zeolite is like taking an antacid. It will do no harm to your stomach and will not irritate it in any way. In fact, it may do the complete opposite and soothe an empty, acid filled stomach.

MISCONCEPTION #11: Zeolite will dehydrate you.

Zeolite is very absorbent and will suck up extra water in your body, but it’s not going to dehydrate you! Maybe if you eat a whole container of powder zeolite, it might dehydrate you. But think about a few grams of zeolite- about the amount that could fit in a tablespoon. How much water do you think this amount of powder could actually absorb? Not much! If you feel thirsty when taking zeolite, drink more water. If you don’t feel thirsty, then don’t worry about it!

MISCONCEPTION #12: Zeolite cannot be taken before bedtime.

You can take zeolite any time of day. It will not hurt you or give you nightmares! So take it in the morning, afternoon, or evening! It will detox no matter what time it may be! Just be careful of any zeolite supplement that contains Vitamin B, it may give you a boost of energy.

MISCONCEPTION #13: Too much zeolite can be dangerous.

There have been a number of studies done using zeolite, and all have concluded that zeolite supplementation shows no adverse effects. There have also been toxicology studies equivalent to someone eating a whole pound of micronized zeolite within a day, and no side effects were discovered. So zeolite is perfectly safe. The purity of the zeolite is more closely related to safety than the quantity consumed.

MISCONCEPTION #14: Zeolite depletes vital minerals and metals from the body.

People often wonder about this. If zeolite pulls heavy metals out of cells, then what about metals that we need, like iron? The body naturally solves this problem. If the cells need iron, it will be encapsulated in amino acid, making it impossible for the zeolite to pull the iron out. If there is excess iron, it will not be coated with amino acid and will be pulled out of the cell by the zeolite.

MISCONCEPTION #15: Non-micronized zeolite is just as effective as micronized.

Micronizing is an extra process that is done by special machines, involving lasers. Micronizing greatly reduces the particle size of the zeolite so that it can travel further into the body and blood, between cells and tissues. Micronized zeolite can also pass through the blood-brain barrier. Non-micronized zeolite will detox the body, just as micronized zeolite can, but it cannot move as deeply into the body as micronized zeolite can. You will get a better, more full detox with micronized zeolite.

MISCONCEPTION #16: Zeolite should be used rectally for faster absorption.

Zeolite needs to circulate throughout the body for about 6 to 8 hours. Using it rectally will not speed up the process and will not detox any better. Detoxing takes time. It must pass through the entire digestive track so that it will have enough time to travel through the entire body and detox as much as possible. You cannot accomplish this if zeolite is used rectally. To treat toxins specifically in your gut (colon included) use a zeolite supplement with a larger particle size.  ZEO Health makes Esdifan for this specific reason, to not circulate within the blood and only treat toxins in the digestive tract.

MISCONCEPTION #17: Zeolite should not be given to children and pets.

Zeolite is non-toxic, and has no known adverse effects. So giving it to your pets and children pose no problem. Toxicology reports show that eating a pound of ZEO Health’s Zeolite Pure in one sitting shows NO adverse effects! Clinoptilolite-zeolite is perfectly safe, and will only work to improve their health through detoxing and balancing their pH levels.  But as you should always do, check with your health care provider before starting anyone (or animal) on a new supplement.

Below I have listed the suggested dosages of Zeolite Pure for children and pets.

  • Pre-adolescent children-One quarter scoop, at least once a day.
  • Adolescent children- One half scoop, at least once a day.
  • Birds and other small pets– a pinch of zeolite (added to water), at least once a day.
  • Small dogs and cats- One quarter scoop (added to food), at least once a day.
  • Medium sized to large dogs- One half scoop (added to food), at least once a day.

MISCONCEPTION #18: Zeolite will interfere with my medications.

The only medications that zeolite in known to interfere with are heavy metal based. The zeolite can potentially pull the heavy metal out of cells, which will weaken the effect of the medication. To know if your medication is heavy metal based, check with your health care professional or pharmacist. (A great majority of medications are not heavy metal based.) If you are on a heavy metal based medication, take your zeolite health supplement as least 12 hours apart from the medication. If you find that your medication is not as effective as it should be, discontinue taking the zeolite.

MISCONCEPTION #19: Zeolite is more effective if used topically.

Studies have shown that zeolite is useful when applied topically for certain conditions. It is known to have an effect in defeating athlete’s foot, and can help speed up the healing process of cuts, scraps, and minor burns. In addition, zeolite is known to be extremely effective in reversing periodontitis, a severe deterioration of the gums and teeth.

In terms of detoxing, there is no evidence that zeolite will detox the body if used topically, such as in bath or rubbing on the skin. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the zeolite will even be absorbed into the body through the skin. (Zeolite does not dissolve in water!) If it did work this way, the detox would only be localized (meaning it would only be detoxing the immediate layers of skin and underlying tissues, and not the full body.)

Zeolite health supplements will detox best if ingested daily. This way, the zeolite is able to circulate throughout your entire body and will be able to give a deep detox.

MISCONCEPTION #20: Zeolite should only be TAKEN for a certain amount of time.

Zeolite is not the same as a medication. You don’t need to detox for a certain amount of time and discontinue usage.  Zeolite can be taken every day for an indefinite period of time. It is non-toxic and has no adverse effects so it isn’t harmful if taken daily. Also, we are exposed to an immense amount of toxins every single day. They are in our food, water, and air. A zeolite health supplement should be taken daily in order to counteract the toxins we are exposed to.

The owner of ZEO Health, Micah Portney, has taken his zeolite health supplements every day for the past 15 years. He is living proof that there are no long term effects from taking a zeolite health supplement on a daily basis.

MISCONCEPTION #21: Zeolite should be taken in small doses, and gradually increased.

As previously stated, zeolite is not like a medication or a drug. It is a natural mineral that has no adverse effects on the body. There is no reason that doses should be gradually increased over time because zeolite is not something that you have to build up a tolerance to. In fact, your body doesn’t even metabolize the zeolite. It just circulates throughout the body over a 6 to 8 hour period, and is then excreted.

It actually might be beneficial if larger or more frequent doses of zeolite were taken of when beginning to detox. This will help clear out as many toxins as possible, as quickly as possible. But taking more than the maximum recommended amount will just waste your money.  ZEO Health suggests with their product Zeolite Pure to take it three times a day for at least 90 days. After this time, the dosage can be kept at twice a day or lessened to once a day, and can be taken indefinitely. Occasionally some people may experience bloating or gas when starting at a high dose of zeolite, this typically subsides pretty quickly.  Some people have found that lowering the dose until they can tolerate it better then increasing to the maximum recommended dose works.

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Zeolite is the only detoxifier with no healing crisis. This is usually shocking to people, especially for those who detox often. A healing crisis, more formally known as the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, is when people feel sick while detoxing. The reason for this sick feeling is because the detoxifier will pull toxic materials, like arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury, out of your body’s cells and tissues, but has no way of removing them so they are reintroduced back into your body.

What ends up happening is that your body is being poisoned from being exposed to a high amount of toxic materials all at once. Some of the many signs and symptoms of a healing crisis include headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, achiness, fever, diarrhea, and skin eruptions. Typically  toxic materials do not bond with the detoxifier and are eventually reabsorbed back into your body’s cells and tissues. Thus no real detox has occurred.

Detoxing without a Healing Crisis

There is no healing crisis when detoxing with zeolite. I’ll state it again… There is NO healing crisis when detoxing with zeolite! There are two reasons for this. For one, zeolite has a negative charge and toxins have a positive charge. This allows them to naturally bond with each other. Secondly, zeolite has a very strong, cage-like structure that protects these bonds. This sturdy structure cannot be broken down or digested by the body.  Once the toxins and zeolite have bonded, they are rendered harmless.  This means the toxins will NEVER be re-exposed to your body and you will never feel sick when detoxing with zeolite.

Carrying the Toxins Out of the Body

Zeolite is never truly absorbed by your body; since zeolite has no nutritional value your body doesn’t absorb it and use it as a nutrient would be used. The zeolite travels through your blood, from head to toe, pulling stored toxins out of cells and tissues. Around 6 to 8 hours after being ingested, it is excreted through feces and urine, along with any toxic materials that it absorbed. Zeolite is the only known natural detoxifier that will not make you feel sick and is guaranteed to eliminate any toxins it bonded with from your body.

What is Important in Choosing a Zeolite Supplement

Purity and potency are both key in choosing a quality zeolite health supplement. The more pure the supplement, the more potent of a supplement, and the more effective the detoxification process will be. ZEO Health sells the most pure, potent micronized clinoptilolite- zeolite health supplements. After detoxing with zeolite, you can feel the difference immediately with a burst of energy and clear thinking.

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A balanced pH level is essential for the optimal functioning of your body. Your pH level is considered balanced and healthy when it falls between 7.35 and 7.45 on the pH scale.  When your pH falls below 7.35 it is considered acidic. It is within this acidic pH range that bacteria and viruses grow out of control, the immune system becomes weakened, and the body will begin to breakdown.  The health supplement zeolite restores pH balance, so you can continue to live a healthy life.

What Throws of pH Balance?

There are many factors that contribute to unbalancing pH levels in your body. A portion of it has to do with the foods we eat and drink. Much of what we eat is acidic. Often, foods can be naturally acidic, such as lemons, vinegar, apples, and tomatoes.  Other foods become acidic, or more acidic, due to food processing, like canning, freezing, and frying.

But mostly, our bodies become acidic from the toxic materials we are exposed to on a daily basis. Toxins, especially heavy metals and pesticides, are in our air, food, and water.  You can try to weed some of them out through air purifiers, organic foods, and filtered water, but exposure to toxins is still inevitable. As more toxic materials accumulate in the body, the more acidic your body becomes.

The Dangers of an Acidic pH

If your body’s pH turns acidic (falls below 7.35) then your body will enter an unhealthy, sick state. Viruses and bacteria will begin to prosper. Your immune system will have to work extremely hard to try to get rid of the toxic materials that have built up inside your cells, on top of the viruses and bacteria that are now taking over the body. The immune system will eventually become so weakened that disease will begin to grow unchecked.

How Zeolite Restores pH

Zeolite is a natural detoxifier. It is able to pull positively charged toxins, such as heavy metals and pesticides, out of the body’s cells and into its chambers. About 6 to 8 hours after being ingested, the zeolite and any toxic materials it picked up, will be excreted from the body. After these toxins have been pulled out, the body’s pH levels will naturally return to the balanced levels of 7.35 to 7.45. In effect, bacteria and viruses will not be able to flourish in this balanced pH environment. Then, the immune system will begin to gain strength because it will not have to needlessly fight off thriving viruses and bacteria. All of this by just taking a daily zeolite health supplement!

Best Zeolite Health Supplement

The best zeolite health supplements are made by a company called ZEO Health. This company makes the purest, most potent zeolite health supplements. (I know because I have personally compared them to many other popular brands!) They are the original manufacturers of zeolite health supplements and for the past 15 years have had the best reputation of any zeolite health supplement company around.  Try their product called Zeolite Pure. It is 400 grams (about 90 servings) of the purest, most potent micronized powdered zeolite on the market. It is the most economical choice for a simple daily detox.


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Zeolite is an amazing mineral with the power to pull built up toxic materials out of the body.  Zeolite is natural, and is formed from volcanic ash and alkaline (salt) waters. It takes millions of years to create this perfect detoxifying mineral.

The Structure of Zeolite

Zeolite is very porous. About 51% of it is hollow. These cavities are negatively charged. (Zeolite is one of only two known negatively charged minerals! ) Surrounding these pores is a very strong, cage-like structure, which cannot be broken down, and protects the cavities and anything they may contain.

Zeolite the Detoxifier

Most toxins that build up inside of us are positively charged. Some of these toxins include heavy metals, such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and aluminum.  Other toxic substances that become trapped inside our cells and tissues include insecticides, herbicides, formaldehyde, and even radioactive materials, such as uranium. These chemicals and metals destroy our bodies’ cells and tissues, and create sickness and diseases like chronic headaches, depression, diarrhea, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Zeolite is able to pull these toxic materials out of the body’s cells and tissues based on charge. The negatively charged zeolite moves to the walls of cells that contain positively charged toxic materials. The zeolite pulls these toxins out through the cell membrane, and sucks it up into its cavities and bonds with the zeolite. Once inside, this bond is never broken because it is protected by the strong cage structure of the zeolite.  Six to eight hours after being ingested, the zeolite, along with any toxic materials it picked up, is excreted out of the body through feces and urine.

Importance of Detoxifying

Detoxing daily is important because we are exposed to toxic materials every single day through food, air, and water. Everyone on Earth has toxins in them, no matter who you are, what you eat and drink, or where you live. These toxins become stuck in your cells, causing them to interfere with cell and organ functions. Eventually, this can lead to crippling diseases and conditions. If detoxing is done daily, then toxins that have built up over time or that have been recently consumed will be immediately taken out of the body before any damage can be done.

Safe to Consume Zeolite

There are over 40 types of natural formations of zeolite, and dozens of synthetic types of zeolite. From this vast amount of zeolite, only one is safe to ingest- clinoptilolite. Make sure that any zeolite health supplement you purchase contains pure clinoptilolite. For the most potent and effective clinoptiliote- zeolite health supplements visit ZEO Health is the original manufacturers of zeolite health supplements for over 15 years, and, compared to all other zeolite supplement companies, they sell by far the purest micronized zeolite health supplements.

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